IJNotes: An IJNet podcast
IJNotes: An IJNet podcast
Reporting on Reproductive Health, Part 5: The path to decriminalizing abortion in Brazil
In Latin America, legislation and debates around reproductive rights are moving in different directions. Abortion has been banned in Nicaragua and Guatemala in recent years, but other countries such as Mexico and Colombia have decriminalized or even legalized it.
In Brazil, Latin America’s largest nation, abortion laws remain restrictive. Today, abortion is only allowed in the case of rape or incest, if there is a risk of death for the pregnant woman, or in cases of anencephaly, a serious, fatal birth defect.
In our latest IJNotes episode on reporting on reproductive health, I spoke with Ester Pinheiro, journalism producer at Revista AzMina, a Brazilian outlet that covers stories with a gender focus. Pinheiro is also the founder of Feminismos del Sur, a podcast that addresses gender issues in the Global South.